Great SMITHS/MORRISSEY vinyl collection came in a few days ago. still a few pieces left.
SMITHS:Hatful Of Hollow (orig UK)
Queen Is Dead (orig US)
two interview picture discs
Ask (orig US 12inch)
Boy With The Thorn In His Side (orig US 12inch)
Girlfriend In A Coma (orig UK 12inch)
How Soon Is Now (orig UK 12inch)
This Charming Man (orig UK 12inch)
Shakespeare's Sister (orig UK 12inch)
What Difference Does It Make (orig UK 12inch-- Morrissey on cover)
William, It Was Really Nothing (LIMITED EDITION purple marble 12inch, GERMAN ONLY)
plus a book entitled THOSE CHARMING MEN Part II (RARE collection of photocopied UK magazine articles from 1984-1987)
MORRISSEY:Viva Hate (orig US)
Years Of Refusal (orig US)
November Spawned A Monster (orig US 12inch)
November Spawned A Monster (orig UK 12inch)
Ouija Board, Ouija Board (orig US 12inch)
Our Frank (orig US 12inch)
Pregnant For The Last Time (orig UK 12inch)